Flow Cytometry Facility

The Flow Cytometer Facility is equipped with an Accuri C6 flow cytometer capable of providing multiparametric, individual cell analysis. Some of the parameters that can be studied with flow cytometry include: levels of surface (on intracellular) expression of proteins, mitochondrial function/ROS detection, apoptosis quantification, cell permeability, intracellular Ca++ levels in real time in a whole population of cells, cell cycle analysis. In all of these methods, the level of the parameter is recorded in EVERY cell of the population individually so that one can tell about the heterogeneity of a response, if only a subgroup of cells with some other property is responding etc. Because of the unique flow system of this instrument one can add some agonist compound to the cells being sampled and watch a response develop in real time (e.g. A Ca++ or pHi or ROS response in seconds), something not possible with other instruments. In addition, the instrument is easy to use with straightforward Windows-based system software making flow cytometry equally available to both novices and experts. More information on this equipment can be found at http://www.bdbiosciences.com/us/s/resources/.

This flow cytometer is equipped with a blue and a red laser, two scatter detectors, and four fluorescence detectors with interference filters optimized for the detection of FITC, PE, PerCP-Cy™5.5, and APC. We have a fair selection of primary and secondary antibodies and one time or infrequent use of these reagents is gratis. However, specialized or heavily used reagents are the responsibility of the user.

Use of the flow cytometer with help is $50 per 1 hour, billed in 15 min increments. Trained users will be charged $30/hr. Please contact Julie Dimitry (362-3347 or dimitry@biochem.wustl.edu) at least 24 hours in advance to arrange an appointment and to discuss your experimental design. If you need to cancel your appointment, please give at least 24 hours-notice. Users that are more than 15 minutes late are billed for a full hour and are subject to losing their time slot.

The Flow Cytometry Facility is located in room 1906 of the South Bldg.